Inspirational Quotes of the Day to live by
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There is always something good in everyone’s life. But the problem with a lot of people is that they tend to focus so much on the negative things in their lives that they eventually become blindfolded from all the daily blessings in their lives. We should always do the best that we can each day and leave the rest in God’s hands. The journey to the manifestation of the things that you positively desire in life might be long, but whatever it is that is placed in God’s hands never fails to work out for the best. As long as you are making each day count productively, sooner or later your dreams must surely come to vindication. God has already created a path of success and happiness for you, all you have to do is to never allow any circumstances to distract you from the blessings that lie ahead. Have faith in Him and never allow your trials and tribulations to interfere with the blessings that He brought you on earth to experience. When you consistently think positive thoughts, your decisions and actions would surely start to attract a lot of positive results in life. Enjoy these religious Jesus Christ poems about living your daily life happily one moment at a time, understanding that your life is in God’s hands, and that He will never allow you to fall even if you were to stumble upon some challenges, struggles and obstacles.

Jesus wll not allow you to fall - even when you stumble - stumbling poem

Poem about being in the Lord's Hands - Your are in God's Hands

Religious Jesus Christ Poems about living your life happily one moment at a time – Your life is in God’s Hands – He will never let you fall

Poem about living one moment at a time - Make your life a happy one


Having an Eternal soul in Jesus Christ Poem - Eternal life from God


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