Inspirational Quotes of the Day to live by
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Each and every single one of us on earth has their own individual positive purpose that’s put together for them by God. Your true calling is the only path to a very positively fulfilled life, and there will never be any other way around it no matter how long or hard that you try. Unfortunately. a lot of people waste their entire stay on earth trying to keep up with other people’s lives. One of the problems with that is that the people that they keep trying to be like are probably not in touch with their true identities. A lot of people are more comfortable with trying to keep up with the Joneses than actually trying to discover what they were brought into this world to become. Who you were born to be is the only version of your life that you could find the level of positive fulfillment that you positively desire. True happiness can only be activated from within by search and finding your true purpose from within. You cannot achieve it by becoming a copy of someone else. You cannot manifest it by following the crowd and allowing them to control your daily thoughts, decisions and actions. Finding your true calling in life is the beginning of your true journey on earth because that is where your true success and happiness lies.

It’s time for you to answer your true higher calling in life – Discover your true positive purpose on earth

Keep moving in the direction of your true calling in life because that is where you true success and happiness lies - You cannot expect to live a very happy and successful life without finding what your true positive purpose in life is and focusing the rest of your life on its path until the rest of your stay on earth. Press on and Answer your higher calling in life



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